This is Jazz, age 9 weeks. The day we brought her home. LOOK AT HERRRR!!! My heart melts for those lost puppy moments, the way you do when you look at baby photos of your big kid now. She was our baby. Back then, she was the little breathing, joyful, heart full little treasure I poured all of my stagnant nurturing into. I loved her for being there for us while we healed.
I diddn't believe that the dogs on those Hallmark cards actually existed. Until we laid eyes on Jazz. I found these photos in an email I sent my Dad and, I'd forgotten til I read again, we only just nabbed her! She had been on hold for another guy (on a promise until 10am that day, the girl had said) and when I rang at 1pm, I told the girl we'd be straight down. I remember now how panicked I felt that we might lose out on her, and even as we were there completing paperwork, the busy shop seemed to come and go with no less than three other families enquiring about "the little brown female." It was at that point that the girl got Jazz out from her pen with her two brothers (one of whom also sold while we were waiting) and passed her to me so that no more enquiries came in.
I remember standing there with silent tears pouring down my face. I was crying for Jazz's mum, was she lost without her babies? Gahhh, I was always such a sap for these things at the "best" of times, but now, even moreso.
And here she is just a few days ago, posing for the camera, as she does. This dog full-on knows when she's in the middle of a photo shoot.