From time to time, I come across blogs websites that are wonderful supports and/or share really sound information. Below are my personal favourites to go back to and see the great community support work they continue to do.
Do you have any favourite grief/loss/premie baby support sites you have found to be useful? Feel free to share them with me for review and inclusion on this page if you feel they would help others.
A Blog For Fathers When A Baby Dies -- "a place for dads to share their thoughts about what they are experiencing and find support from other dads"
L'il Aussie Prems -- on Twitter: @lilaussieprems, Facebook page
SANDS -- miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death support (don't be scared off by the reeeeally old website and graphics! It's hard sometimes to find someone, or funds, to update these things when you're mostly volunteer-run)