Thursday, February 14, 2008

Just brilliant

Today was Red Ray day. The Ray of Recovery. How pertinent is that, given the week that was (for me)? Awesome timing and not a year too soon...

I am full to brimming with recuperative efforts from the day. Finally, the tears I was damming fell amongst the most encouraging support - the best kind: that which does not allow martyrdom, victim mentality or spinning out. By the afternoon, the sadness I had come in with in the morning had given way to hearty hope and joy of the learning year to come. There are eleven more of these to do, three of which I have already done in the past five years, haphazardly and out of order (therefore with not as much meaning as I am bound to get when I redo them this year) and I am really looking forward to them all - so far.

It's hard work. But harder still would be to not do them, for this is my commitment to the Earth.

I'm totally plugged in and raring for the next one (White) next month.

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