Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hearts for Tuesday

I just came across the most heartfelt idea for a grieving family that I have heard of in a long while and had to contribute to the action.

Some of you reading may already know of little Tuesday Whitt, the most delightful little girl who was diagnosed with cancer at age just 18 months and who passed away this week in the arms of her loving family. I have been heavy with sadness for their loss since coming across their blog. Tuesday is our Lolly's age (just three months between them) and so it hits even closer to home.

If you would like to add a message of strength or comfort for the family, click on the link at the right of my blog. There never seems like "enough" to say. But this one blogger alone is offering such a beautiful gesture. I think the mere sight of so many hearts with loving and supportive messages on them might go some way to cradling Tuesday's surviving family.

So many painful years ahead. But so many gorgeous memories left behind. Bittersweet.

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