Saturday, December 5, 2009


This version by the gorgeous Stacey Kent just mesmerises me. Sends chills of appreciation up my back.

If you haven't yet discovered her, I thoroughly recommend you to. Have been listening to her albums of late, we were introduced by Steve.

The old softy.

Addendum: I think I jinxed us.... I wrote this post last night. It was a day of angst - the builder was removing the first little 'landslide', which to us was quite major. The building inspector was due in the afternoon. We were sure he was going to tell us it was all over Red Rover. But he came through, telling us we could just remove the earth that had fallen back in and put in some blinding concrete to fill and strengthen the trench.
Well, after hours of labour, the builder went home (it was after 8pm) and we had a peaceful night. This morning, at 7am, I heard loud expletives from the front of the house. I looked outside and saw our builder there, hands on head, staring down at his handiwork.
The earth has fallen away, creating a cavernous, dangerous hole in the ground. It was 12m long and about 3m wide (and 2m deep) at its widest, unstable point. The stress cracks down the walls were now evident. The ground has fallen away right past our fenceline and over to the neighbour's (very flimsy) concrete driveway.
So the concrete truck was cancelled and we have made the executive decision to fill it in. Days of labour lost, excavation costs wasted.... and worst of all, the dear earth so scarred and disturbed. For absolutely no reason at all. I feel AWFUL about that the most.
We are going to let the ground settle and reassess in a month. I think we'll have to settle for a carport and some sort of shed. Thing. Who knows what's going to happen?

Oh the joys of renovating and extending.

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