What you are about to witness is the result of me, uncharacteristically impulsively, grabbing the video camera and just winging it because I wanted to show you something I couldn't describe in words. One take, no second chances. Certainly no thought about putting any makeup on or even, oh I don't know, brushing my hair?? Pfft, I said to myself when I played it back and realised I hadn't done a damn thing to my appearance. Looking presentable is for the weak. Or at least, the considerate. A-hem. For the record, though, I was NOT wearing trackpants. Or a puffer vest, it should be duly noted.
Let's see if you learn anything new today in this here vlog that has only (note: ONLY) seen the light of day because of some peer
Have I piqued your interest yet? Well then, prepare to be undazzled! Unimpressed! Unlikely to ever watch one of my vlogs ever again! Behold!