Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here I am today

Mid-rewrites, up since 6.30am (ah! a sleep-in of sorts....), watching the sun come up over the misty bush on the hills and revealing yet another gloriously clear, crisp sky.

I've settled on a merger of the five-part final third to the book. It will now be two parts, so the book will have three "Acts", if you will.

These were the notes that jumped out at me today, over the past 2.5 hours of work:

Letting go is not giving up (or in).

“At the end of your life, you will realise that nothing you have done matters – only who you have been while you have done it.” - Neale Donald Walsch, “Conversations With God”

I no longer looked for reasons as to why she died. And I don’t believe her death was delivered as any sort of lesson. Instead, I realised when I turned around years later and looked back on the path I had been on, that all these things had been laid out for me as a result of her leaving. So, “she died because I needed to learn/do/know….” became more a case of “If Ella had not lived, I would never have met/experienced/found…” That is why death, to me, is such a tremendous gift. In a multitude of ways, it shows us how to truly, deeply, genuinely live.

Now for somewhere to include them...

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